Carri Taylor:
Carri is married to Gordon Taylor. They began their stepfamily journey in 1986. Gordon's first marriage lasted 18 years, Carri's 13½ years. Gordon brought three sons to the marriage and Carri brought two daughters. All five of their children are now adults; they have ten grandchildren to date and were legal guardians of Carri's oldest granddaughter, who was born in 1990.
Carri has guided hundreds of individuals, couples and corporate teams through the process of gaining insights and new awareness of self and others; while being given practical, ready-to-use and proven tools to enhance all of their relationships. After working with Carri, her clients are energized, motivated and equipped to meet life’s challenges in a new and more effective way.
As a public speaker, her expertise comes from her wealth of professional training and life experience. She illustrates insights with personal transparency.
Carri spent 10 years (1978 to 1988) as a Film Producer, Director and Editor of award-winning documentaries. Carri was Vice President and Co-Owner of NEW LIBERTY ENTERPRISES, Inc., Burbank, CA, from 1979 to 1981. She served as President and sole-owner from 1981 to 1991.
Current Productions:
“Designing Dynamic Stepfamilies: Bringing the Pieces to Peace.” 8-part DVD Series (4 hours 24 minutes)
Practical information for the inevitable challenges of stepfamily life, for those in or involved with stepfamilies in a personal or professional capacity. Principle based with humor, memorable charts and diagrams, couple interviews and anecdotal stories.
“Remarriage Preparation” PowerPoint presentation on CD with Instructions for Use.
The content in this presentation is specifically designed for remarrying couples and is integrated with the “Designing Dynamic Stepfamilies” DVD Series. This is a one-of-a-kind tool for conducting Remarriage Preparation. Adaptable Format.
“Life After Abortion.” Two DVD Set released by Carri and her partner, Brian Barkley.
Countless women have been overwhelmed by post abortion trauma, resulting in fear, anxiety, pain and guilt. Many suffer in silence for years after they realize the full toll of their choice. From desperation to devastation to deliverance, Life After Abortion takes an honest look at the undeniable impact abortion has had on real people, as told by those who experienced them. Life After Abortion
Please click Communication Skills Training or Personal/Executive Coaching for more information. Or visit
Chldrens Tough Truth- The Series - Order Information - Carri
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