In the first segment you will meet Dennis and Cynthia Harris. This is the second marriage for each of them.
You will hear about their childhood backgrounds, first-marriage experiences, single-again years, and the bringing together of two family “corporations” into a stepfamily.
You will also meet Dennis’s two sons. Aaron, the older, and Loren, the younger, share the impact of divorce on their lives and the tough journey to healing.
Cynthia’s daughter, Camille, holding nothing back, tells about her childhood with a single parent and the difficult transition into a stepfamily.
There are losses to grieve…death, departures, and deliverance…as this family moves from fantasy to fact and embraces the truth of stepfamily life.
In this segment you will meet Kip and Wendy Sykes. This is a second marriage for both of them. Again, you’ll hear about their childhoods, their first marriages, and the impact of divorce and remarriage on themselves as well as their children.
You will hear Kip’s two younger sons, Nick and Greg; candidly share their hurts and the journey to healing.
Wendy’s youngest daughter, Heather, tells how her parents’ divorce and remarriages affected her.
There is shock, displacement, and resistance. There is also postponement for preparation and education before entering stepfamily land.
Most impressive is their resolution to see things differently (from each other’s point of view) and the wisdom that resulted.
Meet Lisa and Harry Bowser. This is the second marriage for them. They will share their childhood experiences, marriages, divorces, and the personal growth that brought them to where they are today.
They learned that no matter what the past was, it doesn’t have to determine the future.
Through self-examination, counseling, individual responsibility, and perseverance, both Lisa and Harry were able to heal past wounds and determine to have what they didn’t get in childhood.
This is a story of courage to change the future.
In this segment you will meet Maria and Leon Brooks Sr. As in previous segments you will hear about their childhood, previous relationships, marriages, and divorces.
Leon’s daughter, Daphne, and his son, Leon Jr., share their tough journey through their parents’ broken relationships.
Maria’s daughter, Jessica, in her own style, relates what the brokenness was like for her and the difficult adjustment to stepfamily life.
Maria and Leon Sr. introduce being grandparents in a stepfamily. Ready or not, life brings lives.
Unrealistic expectations, the stigma of being a “stepfamily,” and wanting to be “normal” inhibited the freedom for this family to fully come together. But after a tough experience for all of them, along with stepfamily education, denial gave way to reality.
Embracing the tough truth was painful, but because of their willingness to learn, the pathway for healing and growth opened up.
Ana and Joe Lopez talk about the impact of their divorces, remarriage, and the unexpected challenges they faced as a result of the choices made by two of Ana’s daughters.
Confronted with very tough decisions, Ana and Joe embraced the unforeseen and are continuing to make admirable choices about situations they never dreamed would confront them.
For them, making a difference in others’ lives—especially those at risk—has become an important goal.
The beat goes on…for generations. Shirley and Don Huwe relate the pain of failed marriages for themselves, their daughters, their grandchildren, and a great-grandchild.
Tamera Richard, their oldest daughter, talks about traveling through the personal devastation of two failed marriages and finally seeing the pain of her children.
Tony Richard, also divorced twice, married Tamera, but not without preparation to prevent more damage on all of the children involved (his and hers—a total of seven).
Here is an example of how a strong family, willing to incorporate every life event and learn from their failures, even with all the brokenness, can offer stability in the midst of life’s unexpected experiences. And, in the process, build character.
In this last segment, you will journey from the childhood experience of divorce and abandonment to grandparenting in a stepfamily.
Joy and Susanne, both moms, had parallel lives with different experiences. They were able to handle trauma and make the decision to set aside their own wounds to be healers for the
family members in each of their lives.
Joy brings this series together with her closing statement of hope and challenge addressed to the children of divorce and their parents
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